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Quantifying biomolecular organisation in membranes with brightness-transit statistics.

Journal article

Schneider F. et al, (2024), Nat Commun, 15

Quantifying Immune Cell Force Generation Using Traction Force Microscopy.

Journal article

Issler M. et al, (2023), Methods Mol Biol, 2654, 363 - 373

Quantifying Molecular Dynamics within Complex Cellular Morphologies using LLSM-FRAP.

Journal article

Colin-York H. et al, (2022), Small Methods, 6

Mechanobiological control of T-cell activation

Conference paper

Colin-York H. et al, (2022), BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 121, 319A - 319A

SFCS provides a window to bio-molecular organization

Conference paper

Schneider F. et al, (2022), BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 121, 466A - 467A

Quantifying cell-generated forces: Poisson's ratio matters.

Journal article

Javanmardi Y. et al, (2021), Commun Phys, 4

Extended mechanical force measurements using structured illumination microscopy.

Journal article

Korobchevskaya K. et al, (2021), Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci, 379

Astigmatic traction force microscopy (aTFM).

Journal article

Li D. et al, (2021), Nat Commun, 12

Two-dimensional TIRF-SIM-traction force microscopy (2D TIRF-SIM-TFM).

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Barbieri L. et al, (2021), Nat Commun, 12

Quantitative Methodologies to Dissect Immune Cell Mechanobiology.

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Pfannenstill V. et al, (2021), Cells, 10

Thinking multi-scale to advance mechanobiology.

Journal article

Fritzsche M., (2020), Commun Biol, 3

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