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The antagonism between MCT-1 and p53 affects the tumorigenic outcomes

Journal article

Kasiappan R. et al, (2010), Molecular Cancer, 9

Loss of p53 and MCT-1 Overexpression Synergistically Promote Chromosome Instability and Tumorigenicity

Journal article

Kasiappan R. et al, (2009), Molecular Cancer Research, 7, 536 - 548

A set of BAC clones spanning the human genome

Journal article

Krzywinski M., (2004), Nucleic Acids Research, 32, 3651 - 3660

Array-Based Comparative Genomic Hybridization for the Genomewide Detection of Submicroscopic Chromosomal Abnormalities

Journal article

Vissers LELM. et al, (2003), The American Journal of Human Genetics, 73, 1261 - 1270