Olympus FV1200 Laser Scanning Microscope
- FluoView Spectral FV1200 Laser Scanning Microscope based on IX83 motorized inverted microscope
- Compensation focusing system
- CellVivo incubator system for live-cell imaging and temperature control
- 4 diode lasers
- Freely selectable ROI for laser scanning, bleaching and photoactivation
- Scan speeds of up to 4 frames/second with 512 x 512 pixels
- xy, xz, xyz, xyzt, lambda, line scan and spot scan modes
- DIC optics
- Diffusion Measurement Package included for FCS, FCCS, RICS and FRAP
- UPLSAPO 10x /NA 0.40
- UPLSAPO 20x/NA 0.75
- UPLSAPO 30x/NA 1.05 Silicone Immersion
- UPLSAPO 60x/NA 1.4 Super Corrected
- UPLSAPO 60x/NA 1.3 Silicone Immersion
- UPLSAPO 60x/NA 1,2 Water Immersion
- Lamps for bright field, DIC and epifluorescent imaging
- Violet Diode Laser 405 nm (25 mW)
- Blue Diode Laser 473 nm (50 mW)
- Green DPSS Laser 559 nm (25 mW)
- Red Diode Laser 635 nm (25 mW)
- 3 PMT equipped with galvano grating spectral scanning systems for fluorescence emission detection with variable setting of wavelength band
- 2 high sensitive GaAsP detection channels with filter sets
- Dark incubator chamber with temperature, CO2 control and lighting from CellVivo
- Olympus FluoView
- Positioning (up to 3000 measuring points different in X, Y and Z)
- Mosaic and stitching imaging
- Time-lapse experiments
- FCS, point FCCS, RICS and FRAP measurements