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The report highlights recent scientific achievements, and sets out the Institute’s strategy to bridge the gap between discovery research and clinical application.

Kennedy Director, Professor Fiona Powrie, says in her introductory comments, “Since our last report two years ago, we have moved from a period of laying foundations to one where we are gaining the critical mass and momentum to deliver our strategy. In these pages we highlight our science and scientists, as well as the approaches we are taking to enable discovery research that can be applied in the clinic to combat chronic inflammatory and degenerative disease,”

Research at the Kennedy Institute covers three thematic areas that underpin inflammatory and degenerative disease: immunity and microbiome; inflammation biology; and tissue remodelling and regeneration. The Report describes the Institute’s strategy to deliver in each of these areas through the development of Strategic Platforms and Programmes that build upon core technologies available at the Institute.

“Spanning many different stages of the research process, these Strategic Platforms and Programmes create a focal point for technology development, scientific innovation and national and international collaboration, each of which is crucial to drive exciting discoveries in the future” said Professor Michael Dustin, Director of Research at the Kennedy Institute.

To learn more about Kennedy Platforms and Programmes, as well as other aspects of the Institute’s science and research strategy, please download the report here, or request a hard copy from