Tom Hosack
DPhil Student
Academic gastroenterologist interested in inflammatory bowel disease
I am a specialty registrar in gastroenterology in the Oxford deanery. I read medicine at University of Bristol, and completed an MSc in gastroenterology with distinction at Queen Mary University of London. To pursue my interest in clinical trials, I joined the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology in 2022 as a clinical research fellow and sub-investigator for the PARIS trial under the supervision of Professor Simon Travis.
I was awarded the Kennedy Institute Prize Studentship as well as the MRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship to pursue a DPhil in Molecular & Cellular Medicine.
I am studying early tissue responses to PD-1 therapy in both ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis. This will enable cross-tissue comparisons in the role of PD-1 in inflammation as well as help understand tissue-specific changes that may predispose oncology patients to immunotherapy-related adverse events.
My project is supervised by Professor Christopher Buckley and Professor Simon Travis at the NDORMS, as well as Dr Matthias Friedrich and Dr Pablo Cespedes at the NDM.
Key Awards
MRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship
Kennedy Trust Prize Studentship
Recent publications
Development, evaluation and validation of machine learning algorithms to detect atypical and asymptomatic presentations of Covid-19 in hospital practice
Baktash V. et al, (2023), QJM: an international journal of medicine
Drug-induced liver injury: a comprehensive review
Hosack T. et al, (2023), Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology
Idiosyncratic metronidazole-induced neutropaenia in an older adult
Hosack T. et al, (2023), British Journal of Hospital Medicine
LENT score - useful clinical tool?
Vijayakumar B. and Hosack T., (2023), European Respiratory Journal
Lost Marbles Cannot Be Found: Delayed Diagnosis of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Kho J. et al, (2023), American Journal of Medicine