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Samuel Woolliscroft

DPhil student

I completed my BSc (Hons) in Immunology at the University of Glasgow, working with Prof Jim Brewer on DC responses to hemazoin. In the summer of 3rd and 4th year I worked in the labs of Prof Ludger Klein (Thymic T cell tolerance) and Dr Michelle Linterman (Germinal center responses). This lead me to my MRes in Molecular and Cellular Medicine at Imperial College London where I took a six month placement in Dr Masahiro Ono's lab working on thymic lymphopoiesis and another 6 month placement with Dr Alice Denton where I looked at fibroblast-T cell interactions. Within the Arnon lab I am working on Brm Immunity in the lung and spleen using classical immunological techniques in combination with two-photon microscopy and bioinformatics.