Research culture at the Kennedy
At the heart of the Kennedy Institute's research is a diverse group of basic and clinical scientists who are working together to find new ways of investigating biological pathways that underpin disease in a creative, inclusive, and dynamic environment.
Research culture is of critical importance to the institute supporting students and staff with career progression, enabling researchers to meet their potential while recognising the diversity of talents, skills and outputs in our staff and students which together contribute to the excellence in research that defines the Kennedy Institute. Everything about Kennedy from the architectural design of the building to the accessibility of world leading technology platforms helps provide the environment for team science to flourish, new ideas to be fertilised, formation of interdisciplinary teams and academic success.
The research environment is open and collaborative, with investigators working across teams on shared interests in disease pathogenesis or to apply expertise in core technology platforms to new disease areas. The institute's scientific resource facilities provide expert training in cutting edge imaging, cytometry, microbiome and genomics technologies and advice to technology platforms to enable students and staff to maximise the impact of these technologies on their research.
The Kennedy is a supportive environment for all researchers that encourages them to publish, present and attend conferences. All students at Kennedy benefit from a £2500 travel and training fund to enable their development as scientists. Frequent talks and lectures, such as our regular seminar series, feature expert speakers from across the world providing opportunities to meet with scientific leaders through student/postdoc lunches and enable opportunities to develop new collaborations across multiple disciplines. Our DPhil students receive outstanding supervision from academics with world-class reputations, and an excellent management and mentoring programme.
'Work in Progress' research meetings provide the opportunity for scientists at all career stages to share their data, leading to critical discussions and new perspectives once a week on Thursdays. Additionally, Kennedy students will present at the annual Kennedy Institute Student Symposium getting feedback from fellow students and postdocs. The institute supports the Preprint Journal Club, a weekly international journal club with Mt Sinai and Karolinska Institute helping to provide links to like-minded PhD students in Stockholm and New York. The Kennedy Institute also organises multiple international research meetings including the "From the Laboratory to the Clinic" translational research meeting, held annually in Oxford since 1984.
The Kennedy Institute is a special place to work and study with a positive culture to support your scientific development.