The FACSCanto II is a digital three-laser multi-colour analysis system (Blue 488 nm, Red 633 nm and Violet 405 nm) with the capacity of detecting up to 8 colours in addition to FSC and SSC.
Detailed information
The instrument has the optional High Throughput Sampler (HTS) that facilitates automated, rapid sample acquisition from a 96 well plate with minimal carry over.
The instrument allows a minimum sample flow rate of 10 ul/min to a maximum flow rate of 120 ul/min.
The instrument contains an integrated fluidics cart and compressor, a 20 L FACSFLOW container, 10 L waste tank and cleaning solutions for automated startup, shutdown and cleaning cycles.
Blue 488 nm | FITC, Alexa 488 | 530/30 | 502 LP |
PE | 585/42 | 556LP | |
PerCP, PerCP-CY5.5 PE-Cy5, PE-Cy5.5 |
670LP |
655LP |
PE-Cy7 | 780/60 | 735LP | |
Red 633 nm | APC, Alexa 647 | 660/20 | |
APC-Cy7, APC-H7 | 780/60 | 735LP | |
Violet 405 nm | Pacific Blue, BV421 | 450/50 | |
AmCyan, BV510 | 510/50 | 502LP | |
PE-Cy5 and APC may be used together for molecules that are not mutually expressed by cells.