Olympus TIRF
Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF)
Olympus TIRF Microscope
Ideal for dynamic processes within the plane of the coverslip for example immunological synapses and bilayer interactions. Fluorophore is only excited within ~100 nm of the focal plane (evanescent field) giving excellent 2D sectioning.
- Olympus TIRF IX83 Microscope based on IX83 motorized inverted microscope
- Compensation focusing system
- CellVivo incubator system for live-cell imaging and temperature control
- 4 diode lasers
- Freely selectable ROI for imaging, bleaching and photoactivation
- Imaging speed of up to 4-10 ms per frame (512 x 512 pixels)
- Camera splitter for simultaneous imaging in two channels
- DIC optics
- Individual control over depth penetration of evanescent laser illumination
- UAPON 20x /NA 0.70
- UCPLFLN 20x/NA 0.70
- UAPON 150x/NA 1.45 Oil
- Lamps for bright field, DIC and epifluorescent imaging
- Violet Diode Laser 405 nm
- Blue Diode Laser 488 nm
- Green Diode Laser 561 nm
- Red Diode Laser 640 nm
- Evolve EMCCD 512x512 camera supplemented with Cairn camera splitter (IX3 RSD) for simultaneous imaging in two channels
- Hamamatsu Flash 2.8 camera
- Dark incubator chamber with temperature, CO2 control and lighting from CellVivo
- Olympus cellSens Dimension
The TIRF microscope was purchased with Wellcome Trust grant 100262/Z/12/Z. Please acknowledge this in publications using this microscope.