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Advances in the biology of bone metastasis: how the skeleton affects tumor behavior.

Journal article

Sterling JA. et al, (2011), Bone, 48, 6 - 15

Advances in TNF Family Research

Journal article


Animal models of epigenetic regulation in neuropsychiatric disorders.

Journal article

Bountra C. et al, (2011), Curr Top Behav Neurosci, 7, 281 - 322



Abraham S. et al, (2011), The Rheumatology Handbook, 91 - 176

B-cell defects in common variable immunodeficiency: BCR signaling, protein clustering and hardwired gene mutations.

Journal article

van de Ven AAJM. et al, (2011), Crit Rev Immunol, 31, 85 - 98

Chemokine antagonism in chronic hepatitis C virus infection.

Journal article

Charles ED. and Dustin LB., (2011), J Clin Invest, 121, 25 - 27


Journal article

Froese DS. et al, (2011), JOURNAL OF INHERITED METABOLIC DISEASE, 34, S119 - S119

Development and Structure of Lymph Nodes in Humans and Mice


Cupedo T. et al, (2011), Developmental Biology of Peripheral Lymphoid Organs, 59 - 74

Development of Lymph Node Circulation and Homing Mechanisms


Ager A. et al, (2011), Developmental Biology of Peripheral Lymphoid Organs, 75 - 94

Elevated cytokine production restores bone resorption by human Btk-deficient osteoclasts.

Journal article

Danks L. et al, (2011), J Bone Miner Res, 26, 182 - 192

Expression and immune function of tenascin-C.

Journal article

Udalova IA. et al, (2011), Crit Rev Immunol, 31, 115 - 145

Fibroblast growth factor 2: good or bad guy in the joint?

Journal article

Vincent TL., (2011), Arthritis Res Ther, 13

Growth in childhood predicts hip fracture risk in later life.

Journal article

Javaid MK. et al, (2011), Osteoporos Int, 22, 69 - 73

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