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Fortessa X-20

LSR Fortessa


The LSR Fortessa X-20 is a digital four-laser multi-colour analysis system (Blue 488 nmYellow-Green 561 nmRed 633 nm and Violet 405 nmwith the capacity of detecting up to 14 colours in addition to FSC and SSC.  

Detailed information

The Yellow-Green 561 nm laser does not increase fluorochrome options but increases detection sensitivity for the PE fluorochrome and eliminates PE-FITC spillover and more importantly improves resolution of red fluorescence protein such as DsRed, fruit fluorescence proteins such as mCherry or mStrawberry or vegetable fluorescence protein, such as tdTtomato.

The LSR Fortessa has the optional High Throughput Sampler (HTS) that facilitates automated, rapid sample acquisition from a 96 well plate with minimal carry over.


Fortessa X20 Configuration
Blue 488 nm FITC 529/24 505 LP
  PerCP, PerCP-CY5.5 710/50 685LP
Yellow-Green 561 nm PE 586/15 570LP
  PE-Cy5.5 710/50 685LP
  PE-Cy5 670/30 635LP
  PE-Texas Red 610/20 600LP
  PE-Cy7 780/50 750LP
Red 633 nm APC 670/30 650LP
  APC-Cy7, APC-H7 780/50 750LP
  APC-Alexa 700 730/45 690LP
Violet 405 nm Pacific Blue 450/50 410LP
  AmCyan, BV510 525/50 505LP
  BV605 610/20 595LP
  BV650 670/30 630LP
  BV711 710/50 690LP
  BV785 780/50 750LP
  • Please note – PE-cy5, PE-Cy5.5, perCP and PerCP-Cy5.5 cannot be used together.
  • PE-Cy5 and APC may be used together for molecules not mutually expressed by cells.

Fortessa X20 has the capability for adjusting the flow rate for various applications.  The three preset flow rates are: LO = 12 µl/min, MED = 35 μl/min, HI = 60 μl/min.

Fortessa is equipped with FACSFLOW supply system fluidics cart that incorporate a 20 L FACSFLOW cubitainer and a 10 L waste collection container.  The Fluidics sensors monitor the level of sheath fluid or waste and warn when sheath fluid is low or empty, or when the waste container is full.

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